Elective Rotations
Clerkship sites that are affiliated with Ross University
A list of non-affiliated hospitals that Ross students have been able to complete clinical elective clerkships previously
RUSM repopulates the clinical elective scheduling portal system on MyRoss every June. This is where students can submit requests for clerkships. Students in semester 10 are given initial priority and then access is given to subsequent semesters every two days, allowing 48 hours for each semester to submit clerkship requests.
For example: Bobby is in semester 10 as the portal opens. John is currently in semester 9. Debra is in semester 8. When the portal system opens; Bobby will be able to select and submit the choices he wants before the portal system will open for John. So 48 hours after the system opens for Bobby, John will then be able to select his clerkship requests. Then, 48 hours after the system opens for John, Debra can now submit her request for the clerkships she would like to schedule.
If you are a new student starting clinical sciences early in the year, this unfortunately puts you at a disadvantage when scheduling clerkships for the following spring/summer.
To find your current semester: go to My Ross and log in > Click on "Student Services" > Click on "Clinical Department (find your clinical schedule here)" > Click on "RUSM Clinical Department" > Click on "Clinical Clerkships Scheduled"
In addition to the portal system; students can schedule rotations directly with affiliated hospitals. An application must be submitted to the hospital and accepted before you complete and submit the request through Ross. You can find a list of affiliated hospitals with Ross here.
The request submitted through Ross is done through My Ross > After you log in click on "Student Services" > Click on "Clinical Department (find your clinical schedule here)" > Click on "RUSM Clinical Department" > Click on "Clinical Clerkship Request" > After you have verified the information is correct on this page, click on "Confirm and Continue" > Click on "Request Affiliate Clerkship-Schedule with Hospital"
Scheduling Electives Video
Clinical Elective Weeks:
Currently the Clinical Sciences consists of 90 weeks of clinical clerkships.
You will be scheduled for 48 weeks of Clinical Core Clerkship rotations at one of the track programs by the RUSM team.
You need to complete 42 weeks of Elective Rotations for a total of 90 weeks.
Of these 42 weeks:
10 of them must be from ACGME Accredited programs.
In general, this means that the rotation must have a residency or fellowship attached to it. However; there is a way that the program can be ACGME accredited through another program. It is common that this occurs so check with the clinical@rossu.edu if you have questions.
8 weeks must be a in Internal Medicine- Related Electives.
Electives that fall in this category: Cardiology, Community Medicine, Critical Care, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hematology/Oncology, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine Elective, Internal Medicine Sub-I, Neurology, Nephrology, Palliative Medicine, Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, & Sports Medicine